From God's perspective, there is only one church. It includes all believers all over the world who have entered into a personal relationship with God through faith. Within the family of God as a whole, there are smaller groupings of people and leaders who God has brought together based on a common vision and understanding of His eternal purpose. Just like in an earthly family, each of these groups of people has distinct characteristics based on a common heritage, spiritual belief system, vision and focus.
We believe that the local church is an aspect of the church that God is focusing on building in these days. While we recognize and understand that the larger Body of Christ encompasses all believers, it is through the local church that all the plans and purposes of God are going to be demonstrated and fulfilled. Every believer must find himself or herself in right relationship to God and to a specific local church in order to find a place of ministry and fruitfulness. The church is God's instrument to extend His kingdom in the earth today.
We believe that the church, which began with great power and anointing, fully functioning as God's instrument in the earth, went through a period of serious spiritual and doctrinal decline through the Middle Ages. Since Martin Luther, God has been in the process of restoring the church to its former glory and power with the goal of taking it on to His intended purpose, enabling the church to finish the commission laid upon it by Jesus Himself.
We believe that both personal and corporate prayer are absolutely essential for the church to succeed. The New Testament church was birthed in prayer. It continued steadfast in prayer and bathed all of its activities and ministries in prayer.
We believe that the pattern for New Testament worship is found in the Scriptures and is described in the Psalms. The pattern is demonstrative worship that is characterized by the biblical expressions of clapping, shouting, singing, dancing, lifting hands, bowing and kneeling.
We believe that God has a plan and pattern for government in the local church. We refer to this as team ministry or an "eldership management” form of government with a senior pastor or chief elder. The elders are the servant leaders of the local assembly who are responsible before God to build up and equip the members of the church to be able to function in their God-ordained callings.
We believe that the gifts of the Spirit enumerated in 1 Corinthians 12:7-11 are not only for today, but also should be desired, sought after, and evidenced in every church. They are to be a part of the church right up to the return of Christ for His perfected bride.
We believe that prophecy and the ministry of the prophet are to be fully operational in the church today. We do not accept that this and other ministries were to be confined to an "apostolic age” but they are to be fully activated until the physical return of Christ.
We believe that, at the same time God is restoring His church, He is also restoring the natural family to its proper place and function. God is in the process of healing marriages, strengthening parents and teaching men and women more about their God-given roles. He is doing this because He wants to use a godly seed in this generation to rise up and destroy the works of the wicked one.
We believe that the early church focused on two important expressions of its assembly life. There were the corporate gatherings that were vital for equipping of saints, and corporate expressions of prayer and worship. In addition, there was ministry from house to house for the sake of fellowship, relationship, nurture and evangelism. If the church today is going to be successful in its ministry to the world and to itself, both expressions must be cultivated.
We believe that the extension of the kingdom of God is the function and ministry of the church. The church, which is composed of both Jew and Gentile, is God's instrument in the earth to establish His rule and His reign. The church is the instrument; the kingdom is the message. If the church is going to fulfill its God-given calling, it must reclaim its primary function of bringing the lost to Christ and extending the borders of God's kingdom until the glory of the Lord covers the earth.
We believe that every local church should be inclusive, actively seeking to include all peoples of all races, ethnic origins, and social and economic standings. Each local church should reflect the makeup of the community within which it is located.
We believe that the ministries listed in Ephesians 4:11 are to be fully functioning right up to the return of Christ. This includes the ministries of apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers and evangelists. All of these ministries are needed if the Body of Christ is to be properly equipped and the church is to be properly built up.
We believe that the church has been given the commission by Christ to go into the entire world with the kingdom message in an attempt to bring all men to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. We also believe that the result of this mission should be the establishing of local churches in every community in every country of the world.
We believe that fivefold ministers are to be servant leaders that equip and release every member of the local congregation to function in their God-ordained ministry.